Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's Time To Get Extreme!

Yep, you guessed it. I'm starting P90X tomorrow. I have high hopes that it'll help me get the rest of the miscarriage weight off and get to a physical place I'm happy with. Plus, I'm supposed to leave for Russia in about 98 days and want to finish it before hand. Finally, a girl I went to high school with is going to start it with me so that I have some support. With P90X, there are three program options. First, classic, which is a mere 7 hours a week. There's lean, which is supposed to help you burn fat, but you don't get as strong, and finally doubles, which adds 3-4 hours of cardio a week on top of your regular P90X workout for the day.

I think I'm going to do doubles, but you don't add anything until week 5. I'm already used to 14-16 hours a week at the gym, so, while I know this will be more intense, I think I can handle it. I'll document here my stats and yes, probably even include the before/during/after pictures. Scary!

Stay tuned, tomorrow is an HOUR of chest and back. Ay!

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