Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stop the Madness

Just for another two weeks. If I get ONE MORE email talking about baby-eating Democrats, I will scream. Many of these come from my family, admittedly, but I also get them from my church friends (no surprise there). And. If I get ONE MORE email talking about hate-mongering Republicans, I will scream. Most of these come from my friends who are atheists, which totally amuses me.

Your email about Obama supporting stem-cell research isn't going to make me smack my forehead and vote for McCain (or McSame, as a billboard somewhere in northern Florida on I-75 states). I'll point you toward McCain's infidelity and lies and ask you to reconsider. Your email about McCain's extremism on just about everything isn't going to make me run toward the Obama, either.

I am a Democrat, not a fear monger, a hate monger. I hope to be a Jesus monger, who would ask you to just really consider what you're sending. And to please skip me on that forward.


Ronnica said...

Thanks for stopping by and putting in your two-cents on the issue. I love following politics, but the madness of the last few weeks (plus the increased stress in my personal life) has thrown me into listening to a tape of Little Women on my commute rather than my favorite local talk show hosts.

Anonymous said...

Loved the post, but I thought I had hit the wrong button when I saw the blue....
I hope you are all having a blast....