Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sixth Weigh Recap, Seventh Weigh and Living Without Internet

Ohmygranny, girls! I've been "offline" for OVER A WEEK! Other than not being able to update here, I have to wonder if God wasn't giving me a clue that I should spend a little more time "unplugged"!

Long story short, we went to my folks house for Thanksgiving and the Diva Husband installed new bamboo floors in the living room hall and office.

The office. Where the computers live.

When I told Heather that I'd be happy to do the updates, I completely forgot that my folks would be offline.


And yes, our lovely little activity got spammed. Ah well, that's what the delete button is for! :)

Ah, so here's the recap from the Sixth Weigh. We had some great results!

Kimberly & Jill--Stayed the same
Jennifer--Lost 1.4 lbs, at 10% of goal
Beth--Lost 2.2 lbs, at 11% of goal
ElleBee--Lost 2 lbs, up to 17.5.% of goal

And the winner (or loser, as the case may be!) for the second week running...
Wendy--Lost 1 lb, up to 25% of goal

Great job, ladies! If you weighed on "Black Friday", be sure to comment and I'll get a recap post up tomorrow! :)



Jennifer said...

Well, all I have to say for myself is that I ate 3000 calories on Thanksgiving. No joke. So....I am back to 145.2...blech. I don't know what that makes my percentage since I gained. No worries. I will work just as hard this week. Thanks for filling in!!

Wendy said...

I managed to lose 1 lb. this week. Although, Thursday I just ate a plate of what I liked and didn't write down and calculate we are now Monday morning and I've got to get some control or I will certainly put on weight this week. Friday, Saturday and Sunday I snowballed and did not eat well!!!! We'll see what the results are Friday morning. Ugh! Today I will write down everything I eat! :*)